Thursday, November 15, 2007

When You Choose A Career In Marketing

By choosing a career in marketing you have stepped onto a path full of rewards and challenges. When you think about it, you are basically in charge of your own career, you own career advancement. You don't have to depend on company policy or a supervisor's whim to get ahead and earn more money. But then on the flip side of that coin, where your success or failure is concerned, the buck stops with you!

The real key to your success must lie within your own drive and determination to succeed. You must have a certain amount of drive and discipline to make this work. There are plenty of people out there willing to lend a helping hand, but don’t expect a handout. When people join my team, there is an understanding that I am always here to help, but it is up to you to ask the questions, and act on the resolution.

And remember, IT'S OK TO MAKE MISTAKES! In fact, I'll rephrase that: It's downright essential that you make mistakes! You've heard people say, “Do it right the first time.” Well, I'm here to tell you that no truly successful person achieved his dreams by “doing it right the first time.” Your road to success in this business is going to be paved with mistake after mistake. People who are afraid to make mistakes must choose mediocrity.

Well known motivational speaker and businessman John Roedel said, “Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment.” The point I'm trying to make is that you need to give yourself permission to jump head first into this business. You can count on making a mess or two along the road to success. Don't let the fear of failure dampen your initiative. When it comes to marketing, boldness will take you a lot farther than caution.

So as you put on your running shoes to head down that road to successful marketing, don't be afraid to get your feet wet! The road may have some ups and downs and you will step in a puddle or two, but I can assure you, the rewards that follow, will be well worth it!

Larry Buhrandt
Business Opportunity Specialist
TraVerus Travel

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Learning Curve

The Learning Curve
Recently, a good friend and mentor of mine received a phone call from a top Internet guru, inviting him to make a guest appearance on his recruiting call. He was asked to talk about Internet Marketing and how there are a lot of people earning money, like six-figures, and how they too can earn this amount of money.

After participating in the recruiting call, my friend received another call the following day from the Internet Guru, who chastised him for speaking on the "Learning Curve". And how anybody who is wanting to make crazy money on line would have to realize that prior to earning six-figures or even half of that they would have to be willing to endure a learning curve.
The Guru started, " you were great. Thanks. But I'd appreciate if on our next call that I invite you to, you would not mention anything about a 'learning curve'.:.What ??

Well, this is exactly what is being preached across the Internet. Like we can all take some "magical pill". All we have to do is pay the opportunity's initial investment, put up our website, and we're instant six-figure earners. Like magic...we become this beautiful couple standing next to our brand new sports car, in front of our brand new 15 room mansion...Nothing could be further from the truth! The Internet is no Holy Grail of money-making avenues. You will never earn six-figures or even a fourth of that if you are not willing to go through a learning curve.

There is so much to learn if one really is looking to phase out of his/her current career/job and plunge into the Internet as a main source of income for any real length of time. The Internet “newbie” tends to get caught up in all the 'flash' presentation hype, the pep rally opportunity calls, and somehow forgets there is a lot to learn. "But if I don't tell you about this, who is" ...certainly not the Internet gurus. They want you to erroneously assume that after you pay your hosting fee, and your website is up, all you have left to do is run to your bank.

There is not only a learning curve to pass through, but continuous education to prepare yourself for and endulge in, if you are going to one day be "six-figure" successful. I am constantly learning. And will probably never stop, since the Internet is in a constant state of change, and revamping. However, don't let the 'learning curve' scare you. Once you do successfully take the time to learn the basics, six-figures do tend to follow you. This will be very possible for you at TraVerus Travel

Larry Buhrandt
Business Opportunity Specialist

Monday, November 5, 2007

Building A Winning Team

How does one build a winning team? It can be summed up in one word, mentoring. A mentor is defined as a coach or teammate who shares information with his team. They share the information that will help guide the learner on how to best process it all, for their benefit...which in turn will benefit the entire team.

The coach, or team leader shares their knowledge, what gave them success, and passes it on to their team. Because a good coach wants every person on their own team to succeed. He will become their personal mentor, the one that trains them, and helps them every step of the way. To become a millionaire you must find a millionaire who will mentor you and show you his or her path to success. Although you do not have to be a millionaire to mentor your team, you do need to have the knowledge and skill to develop the people on your team.

The old saying “Tis better to give then to receive” is very true in network marketing. Because the essence of network marketing is all about sharing information, a product or a business opportunity with another. The successful individual understands that these people are now your teammates. Your success will depend on the success that they have as individuals. This is why network marketing is sometime referred to as relationship marketing.

I understand that it is the relations I have built while network marketing, that have made me and my team so successful. When people visit my website at TraVerus Travel and join my team, I know I have an obligation to help them succeed. It is an obligation I enjoy being a part of. It’s all about building a winning team.

Larry Buhrandt
Business Opportunity Specialist