Thursday, November 15, 2007

When You Choose A Career In Marketing

By choosing a career in marketing you have stepped onto a path full of rewards and challenges. When you think about it, you are basically in charge of your own career, you own career advancement. You don't have to depend on company policy or a supervisor's whim to get ahead and earn more money. But then on the flip side of that coin, where your success or failure is concerned, the buck stops with you!

The real key to your success must lie within your own drive and determination to succeed. You must have a certain amount of drive and discipline to make this work. There are plenty of people out there willing to lend a helping hand, but don’t expect a handout. When people join my team, there is an understanding that I am always here to help, but it is up to you to ask the questions, and act on the resolution.

And remember, IT'S OK TO MAKE MISTAKES! In fact, I'll rephrase that: It's downright essential that you make mistakes! You've heard people say, “Do it right the first time.” Well, I'm here to tell you that no truly successful person achieved his dreams by “doing it right the first time.” Your road to success in this business is going to be paved with mistake after mistake. People who are afraid to make mistakes must choose mediocrity.

Well known motivational speaker and businessman John Roedel said, “Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment.” The point I'm trying to make is that you need to give yourself permission to jump head first into this business. You can count on making a mess or two along the road to success. Don't let the fear of failure dampen your initiative. When it comes to marketing, boldness will take you a lot farther than caution.

So as you put on your running shoes to head down that road to successful marketing, don't be afraid to get your feet wet! The road may have some ups and downs and you will step in a puddle or two, but I can assure you, the rewards that follow, will be well worth it!

Larry Buhrandt
Business Opportunity Specialist
TraVerus Travel

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