Monday, November 5, 2007

Building A Winning Team

How does one build a winning team? It can be summed up in one word, mentoring. A mentor is defined as a coach or teammate who shares information with his team. They share the information that will help guide the learner on how to best process it all, for their benefit...which in turn will benefit the entire team.

The coach, or team leader shares their knowledge, what gave them success, and passes it on to their team. Because a good coach wants every person on their own team to succeed. He will become their personal mentor, the one that trains them, and helps them every step of the way. To become a millionaire you must find a millionaire who will mentor you and show you his or her path to success. Although you do not have to be a millionaire to mentor your team, you do need to have the knowledge and skill to develop the people on your team.

The old saying “Tis better to give then to receive” is very true in network marketing. Because the essence of network marketing is all about sharing information, a product or a business opportunity with another. The successful individual understands that these people are now your teammates. Your success will depend on the success that they have as individuals. This is why network marketing is sometime referred to as relationship marketing.

I understand that it is the relations I have built while network marketing, that have made me and my team so successful. When people visit my website at TraVerus Travel and join my team, I know I have an obligation to help them succeed. It is an obligation I enjoy being a part of. It’s all about building a winning team.

Larry Buhrandt
Business Opportunity Specialist

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I wanted to let you know about our company. We sell 3 day 2 night travel certificates that are used by many companies as incentives. The cost is only 0.35 cents each and they come with your company name and website imprinted on the certificates.

Think about using these for referrals or give them to customers/clients. You can sell them for a profit to your down-line.

The end user of the certificates has a choice of over 20 destinations to pick from. Take a look at the destinations at the website.

They pay a processing fee of $12.00 and the taxes on the room which is about $7.00-$12.00 a night depending on the location.